
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Spring Home Maintenance Tips

(Originally posted March 2014)

Spring is ALMOST here.  The first robins have been spotted, daylight savings time is upon us and the first of the early spring flowers are starting to poke up out of the ground.  With each new month, there are different home maintenance tasks you can perform to keep your home in tip top shape.  Spend a little time each month doing different home maintenance tasks and you’ll save a lot of money in the future.

1. First things first, when you change your clocks, change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

2. Test your water heater. Bad valves can cause major problems so open the pressure and temperature relief valve and allow some water to flow out. If little or no water flows out or it doesn't shut off, replace it.

3. Prepare for those April showers by making sure your sump pump works.  This is easy to do by simply pouring some water into the pump silo to raise the float.  If the motor doesn’t turn on, you have a problem.

4. Inspect grout and caulk around tubs, showers and sinks.  If you spot mildew, clean the grout with a mildew removing household cleaner.  If you can’t remove the stain, remove the caulk and replace it with a mildew resistant type.

5. Remove pop up drain plugs and drain traps under sinks and give them a thorough cleaning.

Check back regularly for more home maintenance tips, design trends and ideas.  As always, feel free to contact us if we can provide any assistance with your home building or remodeling needs.

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